If you are looking to polish the concrete the best product to use is the Lithi-Tek 4500. Concrete densifiers like the 4500 will strengthen the concrete creating a harder, stronger more durable and abrasion resistant surface. Densifiers sink into the open pores of the concrete and fill them with calcium silicate hydrate by way of a chemical reaction. Concrete is protected from deep within all the way to the surface. Now that the slab is protected you will need to polish the concrete to create a look similar to one found at a big box commercial retail outlet. By polishing the slab you are essentially etching the surface, smoothing out the concrete, giving the surface a brilliant shine. By using a concrete densifier and then polishing the concrete you are not only protecting the concrete but you are also visually enhancing the appearance as well.
If you are looking to keep the concrete looking natural but want the floor to be oil, grease and salt resistant the best product to use is the Siloxa-Tek 8510. The Siloxa-Tek 8510 is an invisible, penetrating sealer of a silane/siloxane chemistry that protects concrete from staining.
On the other hand if you are looking for a gloss finish with incredible chemical, abrasion and acid protection the best products to use are the Epoxy 325 as a primer and the Urethane 645 as a top coat.