Photo - Repels Water

Water Repellents

Contrary to popular belief, concrete is porous and open-pored, which means even though it appears durable there are small voids and pores in which water and moisture can travel. Concrete is not resistant to every kind of harmful influence and can easily be damaged. Concrete damages always involve moisture which is why a water repellent sealer should be used.

Why is water damaging to concrete?

Water is one of nature’s most powerful elements. It’s forceful enough to make its way into some of the most solid materials. Take for instance concrete. Even though concrete is tough, concrete is porous just like a sponge. Water can cause a lot of damage to concrete if the concrete is not sealed or not sealed properly. When water comes into contact with concrete it brings with it deicing salts and other harmful substances leading to corrosion, cracking, freeze-thaw damage and efflorescence. If left untreated concrete is at risk of spalling, pitting, and deterioration.

Why use a water repellent sealer?

Much of the damage caused by water and moisture can be prevented or reduced by means of a water repellent sealer. By using a water repellent sealer to keep water out, the amount of water and harmful substances absorbed is greatly reduced. The concrete remains dry and is consequently less susceptible to damage. Water repellents help reduce water, vapor, and moisture intrusion into concrete.

Choosing a Treatment

The most efficient way of protecting concrete is to prevent water absorption. Water repellents such as silane sealers with long alkyl chains are ideal for this. This is because of their outstanding water repellency and durability. Silanes outperform rival product classes in their resistance to physical, chemical and microbiological attack. Providing the right product is chosen, impregnation with a silane-based product will preserve a structure for a long time. Silanes feature excellent water repellency without significantly impairing the breathability, and long durability.


Today’s scientific findings confirm silanes’ excellent and long-lasting effectiveness as concrete water repellents:

  • They block salt: forms a barrier to chlorides from road salts and airborne salts
  • They block corrosion: reinforced steel does not rust since the passivation layer remains intact
  • They block freeze-thaw damage: freeze-thaw damage is minimized thanks to highly effective water repellency

When looking for a silane concrete sealer look for a high actives formulation. A high actives concentration means you are getting a high amount of active ingredient into the concrete without any filler or byproduct. Silanes are available in actives concentrations as high as 100% and as low as 5%. Silanes are available with water based carriers or solvent based carriers with the solvent based carriers penetrating deeper and performing better over time. Silanes can also be mixed with siloxanes, known as silane/siloxane sealers.


A product that is a blend of silane/siloxanes will make for a great penetrating sealer. This formula works by creating a hydrophobic barrier which doesn’t allow water to penetrate the concrete. The water ends up sitting on the surface, resulting in a water beading effect. The silane/siloxanes protect from the inside out, capable of impregnating the concrete from the surface and internally lining the concrete with the sealer. It lines the concrete but doesn’t fill it, making the surface breathable.

Ghostshield's silane, silane/siloxane and siliconate based water repellent sealers will help protect concrete against water intrusion.

The damage that water can cause to concrete is undeniable. Using a water repellent to safeguard the life of your concrete is ideal to get the most out of any concrete surface or structure.

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