Polyurea Joint Filler Poly-Strong PS™ 80
A two component, 100% solids, rapid setting polymer liquid joint filler system that has a significantly faster set time and extended shave time.
This easy to apply, self-leveling, 100% solids, two component, rapid curing polyurea joint filler is tough and flexible to reduces spalling, chipping, deterioration and cracks in joints with a hardness Shore A 80-81. Designed for 10-15% movement of installed joint width, it is flexible enough to accommodate small slab movement yet strong enough to protect the vertical edges of concrete from spalling under extreme loading. And thanks to its zero VOC and low-odor mixture, this material is tack free in just minutes and can be shaved and returned to service in under an hour.
Designed for industrial concrete applications such as exposed concrete floors, warehouse floors and retail floors. Used to fill expansion joints, control joints and cracks on interior, horizontal concrete surfaces.
Available colored, the PS 80 maintains a consistent color profile and resists fading or discoloration under normal conditions. This revolutionary new chemistry provides for superior substrate adhesion, moisture tolerance and better finished profile compared to similar polyurea joint fillers.
For complete application instructions please download the Technical Data Sheet (TDS)
Surface Preparation
Joints should be completely free of saw laitance, dirt, debris, coatings/sealers or visible moisture. Joint cleaning procedures must accomplish the removal of all of the above. Failure to do so will compromise adhesion. Simply “raking” debris out of joint is not an acceptable cleaning method. Allow concrete to fully cure at least 28 days prior to installation.
Application Temperature Prior to Dispensing: If installing in cooler temperatures, material should be maintained at a minimum temperature of 70 ̊F (23 ̊C) for best results. In warmer temperatures, cooling of product may be necessary. Cartridge should be stored or conditioned to 65°F - 75°F prior to use for best results.
PS 80 must be dispensed with dual-dispense cartridge kits. Manual dispensing is impractical due to short working life (35 second gel time). Joints can be filled in one or two passes, depending upon joint depth and dispensing tip used. Preferred method is to fill from bottom to top using a dispensing tip that fits into the joint. Take care not to entrap air bubbles. Slightly overfill the joint, leaving a crowned profile, and allow to cure. If using the two pass method, second pass should be done within 4 hours.
The crown may be easily razored off as early as 15 minutes after placement, depending upon temperature. Should filler cure below the floor surface (due to settlement into the void at base of joint, etc.), remove top 1/2” of filler and re-apply PS 80. Dry grinding/ polishing operations should be deferred for 3-4 hours minimum, after placement. Wet grinding/polishing operations should be deferred for 1/2 hour minimum, after placement.
Drying Time:
Gel Time: 35 seconds Tack Free: 3 minutes Traffic Ready: 1 hour
Shelf Life:
One (1) year in tightly sealed, unopened container.
Spills of unmixed components can be cleaned up with solvent (MEK, denatured alcohol, etc) or scraped/shaved off floor and tools if cured.
Once cured, PS 80 is basically maintenance free. If joints should open after installation, fill voids with additional PS 80.